The Rogozen silver treasure

The village of Rogozen is located 43 kilometers to the north of the town of Vratsa, in the middle of the Danubian Plain, between Ogosta and Iskar Rivers. The treasure is unearthed in the centre of the village in an empty plot of land, used many years as a vegetable garden. It was an accidental […]

The Lukovit silver treasure

Thracian silver treasure, dates back to the second half of the 4th century BC. It is found accidentally in 1953 near the town of Lukovit. It consists of two groups of items: Horse-trappings appliques and Vessels (9 vessels — 5 phialai, 3 jugs and a bowl) The items are made of silver and some of […]

The Letnitsa silver treasure

The Letnitsa treasure was an accidental discovery. In 1963 workers from a farm in the village of Letnitsa decided to build a new sheep house. While digging, at 50–60 centimeters, they came across a bronze vessel turned upside down. It was full of little silver items, some of them decorated with gold. They shared the […]

The Borovo silver treasure

A silver treasure found in 1974 by ploughing the ground 2 km from the village of Borovo, Ruse. The machines that brought the treasure to light damaged the items with their cutting implements but after a precise work it was restored to its original splendour. After the excavations no tumulus was found and it is […]